02446–247049 | yccambajogai@gmail.com
Marathwada Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Yashwantrao Chavan College, Ambajogai.

Permanently Affiliated To Dr. B.A.M.U. Aurangabad

Student’s Welfare & Aid

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Student’s Welfare & Aid

Students Welfare & Aid

Students Welfare and Aid is a unique committee which has been formed with the sole intension to act as an interface between the teacher and the economically backward students. The committee administers and makes decisions to the concerning student welfare, taking up issues reported by students and resolves them by bringing up to the notice of the principal. The committee meets on a monthly basis to discuss the problems and the possible ways of improvement in the standards with respect to facilities and try to solve economic problems of the economically backward students. The committee also ensures the smooth functioning of various academic activities within the college.

Every year applications are invited from the students of weaker section. The students are interviewed by the committee for financial help. Under the earn and learn scheme students are allowed to give Rs.100 per hour. The students welfare fund were raised of every staff members. The committee functions taking in account the following points.

1. Welfare of staff and students.
2. Identifying the student’s problems and try to solve them.
3. Implementation of Earn and Learn Scheme for students.

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